Friday, 26 April 2013

The Bear Went Over The Mountain...

This morning, when I noticed how the snow had shrunk quickly on a nearby ridge,
The chorus and melody of this group sing-along song came zooming to mind.
 My thoughts weren’t particularly of a bear visitor – but I did wonder how soon there would be meanderings with advisories in the still of the night by my muttering dog!

Childhood days for many of us included “campfire songs” sung in rounds – remember “Row, row, row your boat” and how we learned to pick up the lyrics at just the right moment so there were three or four voices in progression!  These memories from long ago are still clearly etched – and relate to the present as well!

The renditions were predictable and sometimes tedious, like everyday tasks that seem to go on and on; then begun anew! Even particular days of the week were sometimes allocated for washing, housework, baking, airing out the house or changing bed linens.
If we continue the traditions, maybe it would be fun to change things up and get out of the rut!

Too much time reminiscing about days of yore can render us foolish from others’ perspective if we are overheard humming about 100 bottles of beer, ants wearing rubber pants, and too many in the bed - “roll over!” .  Humming a cheery tune though  give us smiley faces and happy feet – a great way to get through any grey day.
What a fun experiment to see how many of our current friends or acquaintances would and could easily sing out!
It may be, as Spring comes, that  when people mingle  in social groups giggles will abound wherever “the bear went over the mountain”

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